Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To my divine

To my divine,

As I write this inadequate letter in regards to our evergrowing - everstrong passion, I ponder the day that our eyes once again meet and the flow of compassion and lust burts from within the center of my cold heart, pumping compassion and an almost obsession-like attraction through my pulsing vains. I can only dream of what that day will bring, though I am positive that whatever comes our way will be more than satisfactory to even the up-most dignified romantic.

My passion for you burns with a cool black flame, remaining dorment within my chest until the moment our lips touch. I have never in my life loved anyone or anything as much as I love you, this I am certain of, though all else in life I am not. All I can think about is the extravagant view of your perfection. Some might say nobody is perfect, well, your not nobody. Your everything I could've ever hoped to EVER have in this lifetime, or any others for that matter.

I know that my writing is a bit off at the moment, but I'm writing this as the thoughts come to mind, no alterations, no undos. Only the passion as it leaves my soul through my words and voice. It's almost ridiculous how hard it is find to find words even minutely close to being worthy of your grace and beauty. That might sound a bit far-fetched at first, but take my word for it. It's all true. I can't possibly hope to think of a word, there simply isn't one. Perfect just doesn't cut it. You're a goddess all your own, and deserve to be treated like such. However, saying such might seem obsessive, but where does the line between love and obsession even begin? What is obsession? Who knows, I do not, that is for certain.

I love you Erica Jade, and I'm starting to think that I'm running out of things to write, or maybe that's just my body trying to fight it's way out of more typing, who knows. I've truly fallen for you, in all senses of the word. Meeting you has changed my life forever. It's almost as if my world has lost it's grasp on the orbit it once had on pain and suffering and found itself revolving around your grace. I'll say it again, and again, and continue saying it until my last breath leaves my body, and even then I will get the message across, I love you Erica Jade. I love you. Don't you ever forget that, I will always love you.

I've run out of things to write, or have I? No, it's just that I like to conserve my thoughts for later times. If I spill them all out at once, what will that leave me with? We can't have that now, can we? In this, I shall conclude this inadequate letter. It may be ill-written, but it's straight from the heart, fresh from the mind.

Forever and always, yours truly - Justin Alber

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
