Sunday, September 28, 2008

To Unspecified

Before I begin, I will point out that you may and very well should find this letter out of line. At first, I had no intention of writing to you, but I cannot seem to get you off of my mind. It is like an addiction, and your words are my drug. The thoughts of you in my mind grow stronger every time we speak, and even more so when we cannot.

With this, it is here that I speak to you of my true feelings.

Ever since we first exchanged words, I have been completely entranced by your demeanor. The ways you perceive life's sweet mysteries with such fearlessness inspires me to do the same. You're never afraid to say what you think to be true, and are not fazed by the possibility that you're wrong (or right, for that matter). And although there's a slim chance that I'll obtain the same fluency with words and thoughts as you do, your persistence and drive are always a source of encouragement.

Now, it seems that although we have only known each other a few weeks, my feelings have blossomed into something insuppressible, something that makes my insides ache with want, something (dare I call it Love?) that makes me think of nothing but us together, against everything that stands in our way. And even though there are quite a few things that rest between us, I cannot help but daydream about crushing those walls and crusading into the seamless day, just the two of us. Together.

Okay, so I know that sounds cliché; however, it seems that my mind cannot wrap itself around the proper words (never mind putting them into coherent sentences). I'm beginning to come to the realization that for you, there are no words.

There truly is nothing that I can say that would possibly encompass everything that I feel and think in regards to you.

And I must say, it takes someone pretty powerful to do that.

Anyways, let me continue.

Something to look forward to.

Ever since I first spoke with you, although it wasn't long ago as I said before, this is what you've given me. Every time I open my eyes I hope that maybe, just maybe you'll be there to intercept my gaze. And when you are? Well, then I never really know what to do with myself. I wish that it would happen, and when it does, it's like I didn't think it ever would. You catch me by surprise, every time.

And I think I'm in love with you.

I'm not really sure. I don't think I've ever been in love before. How am I supposed to know what it feels like? Ah well. I don't have a word for this feeling yet, so I guess for now that's what it'll be called. Love.

Although… I'm not sure how I could be in love with you, even if I am. How close are you supposed to be with a person before you know if you're in love with them? You seem nice enough, and we seem to share similar tastes. Maybe I'm jumping ahead of myself. I tend to do that a lot.

You're one of the only people in the world I can truly talk about anything with. And of those people, you're the only one I've felt this strongly about. (May I also mention that upon speaking to you about these various topics, you receive them with superior poise and never leave me with nothing for advice?) For this, I am most grateful.

I hope I do not scare you away with my words, but rather, it is my wish that you will accept them for what they are: the truth.

It would be too much to ask that you feel the same way, for I know that you chart your own course and I would hate for you to do something that went against what you felt was right. My only wish is to get to know you even better than I do now and maybe someday…

Well, I'll leave that for later.

I shall end for now and in looking forward to speaking to you again, I give to you all of my love, in hopes you will receive it.

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